AEGEAN Airlines īsteno īpašus lidojumus starp Santorini un Atēnām, lai uzņemtu tūkstošiem pasažieru, reaģējot uz lielo pieprasījumu

Otrdiena, februāris 4, 2025

Egejas aviosabiedrības

AEGEAN Airlines has stepped up its operations to facilitate increased travel demand between Santorini and Athens. On February 3, the airline successfully conducted nine flights on this route, including four regularly scheduled services and five additional special flights. These operations enabled 1,294 passengers to travel from Santorini to the Greek capital.

For February 4, AEGEAN has already scheduled eight flights, comprising four regular services and four extra flights, all utilizing Airbus A320 aircraft. With a total seat capacity exceeding 1,400, the airline continues to accommodate a high volume of passengers.

As of now, seats are still available on at least two of today’s extra flights, ensuring flexibility for travelers needing last-minute arrangements. Over the past two days, AEGEAN estimates that between 2,500 and 2,700 passengers have been transported from Santorini to Athens, reflecting the airline’s commitment to supporting travel demand under special circumstances.

Due to prevailing conditions, inbound flights to Santorini are operating with minimal passengers, primarily government officials, while outbound flights are nearly at full capacity. The fares for the additional flights on both February 3 and 4 have been set between €55-€65, inclusive of VAT and the €22 airport tax for departures from Santorini.

Should the need persist, AEGEAN has announced its readiness to introduce more special flights on February 5 to ensure uninterrupted connectivity. The airline remains dedicated to offering reliable air travel solutions while adapting to emerging travel needs.

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