LNER ir galvenā loma Londonas ķīniešu Jaunā gada svinībās

Pirmdiena februāris 3, 2025


LNER has played a key role in London’s Ķīniešu Jaunais gads celebrations helping welcome in the Year of the Snake.

Estimated to have been attended by hundreds of thousands of people, the capital was brought alive with vibrant displays and rich traditions marking the beginning of the lunar calendar New Year.

Billed as the largest Chinese New Year parade outside of China itself, the annual parade through London’s Chinatown and Trafalgar Square took place on Sunday 2 February 2025.

David Horne, Managing Director at LNER and Commercial Director David Flesher participated in the prestigious ‘dotting of the eye’ ceremony.

By placing a symbolic red dot on the eyes of LNER’s very own lions ahead of the lion dance, this symbolised their ‘awakening’. In Chinese culture, the eyes reflect the spirit with the dotting of the eyes acting as the last step before the lions ‘come alive’.

David Horne, Managing Director at LNER, said: “It was an immense honour to take part in the celebrations, representing LNER as part of the ‘dotting of the eye’ ceremony.

We are proud to welcome thousands of visitors from China onboard LNER trains every year, heading to iconic destinations including York and Edinburgh, and London’s Chinatown is a popular spot for those who travel by train to visit London from the rest of the UK.”

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